Formula Database | Formula Sheet
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Mechanical Engineering


Acceleration (rectilinear)
Angular momentum of a particle
Circular planar motion of a particle in polar coordinates
Coefficient of restitution
Conservation of linear momentum
Damped natural frequency
Differential equations of motion (rectilinear)
Equation of motion for damped forced vibration
Equation of motion for damped free vibration
Equation of motion for undamped forced vibration
Equation of motion for undamped free vibration
Gravitational potential energy
Hooke's law
Inertia tensor
Kinetic energy (fixed-axis rotation)
Kinetic energy (planar motion)
Kinetic energy (translation)
Linear impulse
Linear momentum
Moment of inertia
Newton's first law of motion
Newton's second law of motion
Newton's second law of motion (variable-mass systems)
Newton's third law of motion
Parallel axis theorem
Planar motion of a particle in Cartesian coordinates
Relative acceleration
Relative acceleration on a rigid body due to rotation
Relative acceleration with respect to a rotating coordinate system
Relative velocity
Relative velocity on a rigid body due to rotation
Relative velocity with respect to a rotating coordinate system
Velocity (rectilinear)